Affair Recovery

Uncovering an affair is one of the hardest things you could ever do. Your entire world has just been flipped upside down, and you don’t know which way is up. How could this have happened? What does this mean? How do I know what I can trust?

Starting the Road to Recovery

If you have just uncovered or disclosed an affair, you have just started a ride on an emotional roller coaster. While affairs are extremely traumatic, they don’t have to spell the end of your relationship. By working with an Affair Recovery specialist, you can get the knowledge, insights, strategies, and coaching that can set you on the path of recovery.

Recovery has Two Sides

The road to recovering from an affair must include two distinct areas. There is Personal Recovery, and there is Relationship Recovery.

Personal recovery must take place regardless of whether the relationship survives. Recovering personally allows you to move forward as a whole and healthy individual and sets the stage for possible relationship recovery.

Relationship recovery includes working on gaining perspective, understanding, and making the choice to move forward in an open and honest way that leads to a closer bond.

The Key to Success

To recover from the extreme trauma of an affair, you need to find expert help. There is a lot of misinformation out there about how to recover from an affair, and much of it comes from uninformed therapists. By working with an experienced therapist with a proven track record for helping couples recover, you give yourself the best chance to rebuild your relationship.

The Affair Recovery Program

We use a specific program developed over years of working with couples dealing with affairs. This program is tailored to fit each couple’s individual needs and incorporates all the areas needed to help couples recover from affairs. Your therapist will take you through each step of the program ensuring that you have made the progress necessary to be on the path to a better relationship.

If you have just discovered an affair in your relationship and want expert help, please call Douglas Counseling at
(503) 388-6611 and set up an initial phone consultation. We can then start the road to recovery.